
Friday, January 15, 2016

Rome, Italy

One of the most magnificent city's in the world, Rome, Italy. We were able to go there on a cruise ship for a day. While we were there we booked a tour guide and got to see all of the famous buildings, and places in Rome. Today I am going to be talking about what we did and saw in Rome. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

 One of the first things we saw in Rome was the Roman  Coliseum. It is still one of the coolest things I have ever seen today. While it is hard to get in, and very crowded,  I highly recommend putting it on your list of things to see. When we were inside there were people trying to restore the Colosseum to its former glory. On the side of the Colosseum there is a gift shop that you can go to and get a trinket or two. I got a miniature Colosseum when I was there, and my mom got a mug. On the inside of the Colosseum it has the many levels that were once used. It is truly amazing what you will see in the Colosseum.

Roman Colosseum at Dusk (Courtesy of Wikipedia)
Another place that we went to is actually a little bit outside of the city, Vatican, City.  The Sistine Chapel is the main thing that you have to see while you are there. A few things to take notice about is that they don't allow shorts and hats in the Sistine Chapel if you end up going inside. If you do go inside I would get a tour guide. The Sistine Chapel is so large and hard to get in, it is just way easier if you have a tour guide with you. Inside there are so many rooms that you can explore, one of my brother's favorites was the map room. The map room is composed of maps from long ago displayed for the public.  Finally, there is the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It was painted by Michelangelo in 1508 and was finished in 1512. The ceiling was painted in the Renaissance period. One of the main panels on the ceiling is the creation of Adam.  It depicts God touching Adams hand. 
Creation of Adam (Courtesy of
Finally, I am going to be talking about the Pantheon.  It is a church build in 118-128 AD.  It starts out as a rectangle in the front the circles in the back. The church is still running today and is also a tourist attraction.

Thanks so much for reading my blog today! I hope I could help you decide if you want to go to Rome someday. See you in my next blog!


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