
Friday, January 15, 2016

Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona is one place you need to stop by in Europe. It is one of the most amazing places I have been in my life. We stayed there for four days and had an amazing time. There are many famous buildings made by Ghaudi in Barcelona including The Sagrada Familia. I am going to talk about today what we did in Barcelona, what we ate, and what we saw so sit back and enjoy the ride!

On the first day we were in Barcelona we went on a tour bus system. It took us all around the city of Barcelona, Spain. The bus was called the Hop on Hop Off Bus. The bus had many different stops that you could get off at or stay on the bus. If you found a place you wanted to check out you just get off at that stop and wait for the next one to come and pick you up at. We did this a numerous amount of times. The bus route takes you to the famous parts of Barcelona, Spain like, Ghoudi's house, The Segrada Familia, and The Copper Fish.

On and off bus (isango)
On the second day we went to a shopping street right behind our hotel, The Four Points.  We walked down it and ate at a few places. One place was a bakery. It had one of the best muffins I have ever tasted! Another place had amazing pasta and soup. My mom even got a giant jug of sangria for the price of one glass in the U.S. Another restaurant that we went to was a tapa restaurant. We ate so many dishes there, but the only issue we had was that the service of drinks were really slow.

While we were in Barcelona we got to see some structures. One of the more famous structures we saw was the Segrada Familia. It has been in construction for 131 years. On one side of the building it depicts Jesus as being born while the other shows him dying. The side of Jesus's birth is the side that Ghoudi originally started to build. The side of Jesus's death is the side that is being built today. It is one of the largest structures you will see in Barcelona. It is one of the most recognizable landmarks in Spain today. The Sagrada Familia actually holds church sessions every several months.
Sagrada Familia (Courtesy of Wikipedia)

I hope you learned something about Barcelona, Spain. If you have any questions about Barcelona comment below and I can get back to you when I can! Thanks so much for reading and have safe travels where ever you go!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Barcelona is really awesome, and I'm glad you were able to experience it! :)
