
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Los Angeles, The City of Survival

Los Angeles is one place most people want to go to. There are lights, sights and more. I have been to Los Angeles too many times to count and have been everywhere you can think of in the city. Here, I will be giving you an idea on how to survive in the "City of Angels".

The first thing you should do is plan your day so you will stay off the freeways during rush hour. I have been stuck in traffic for 2 hours going 5 miles!   Rush hour usually lasts 6:00 am to 10:00 am and 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm.   If you find yourself stuck in traffic during rush hour, I recommend getting off at the nearest freeway exit and enjoying some local sights while you wait.
Trafic in Los Angeles. (Photo Courtesy of
The second insider fact is to always be aware of your surroundings, lock your vehicle and be especially careful at night.

One of my favorite things to do in L.A. is to visit its beaches.  In L.A, there are many beaches, each with its own personality. Depending on where you are staying, I recommend Venice, Malibu, and Marina del Rey Beaches. I will recommend places to eat at each of these beaches in my next post. 
Marina Del Rey. (Photo Courtesy of Destination360 )

Another fun thing to do in Los Angeles is to try its many excellent restaurants.  Some memorable meals I have eaten in Los Angeles include the Apple Pan in West Los Angeles, Paradise Cove in Malibu, and The Counter (a burger chain in many locations).

Finally I would like to talk about hotels.  Remember, getting around in L.A. can be difficult due to the traffic, so if you are traveling all over town, you should stay close to a highway.  I recommend using Trip Advisor  to find good hotels. It will tell you locations, ratings, and it even has menus.  Its really easy to use. My mom uses it where ever we go. It also has restaurant reviews if you want to know about other's experiences.

I hope I gave you a few tips to survive in Los Angeles. My next few blogs are going to be about Los Angeles as well so stay tuned! If you are planning to go to Los Angeles soon, I recommend following my blog so I can help you plan the best travel experiences. If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and have a safe flight!

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