
Friday, September 25, 2015

Packing for Long Trips

Packing the right bag is the perfect way to either make or ruin your trip. It is the first step to traveling and one of the most important. 

The first thing you need is a check list. Before you start packing, look up the weather forecast for where you are going. You do not want to show up to California in shorts and a tank top if the weather is raining all week. That just wastes money on souvenir sweatshirts. Once you find the weather, next, make a checklist. Wherever my family goes, my mother prepares a packing list.

Click here to view the packing list I took with me on my trip to Australia in 2014. This is a simple packing list that includes all the necessities: shirts, shoes, pants, and accessories.  After you finish packing and getting all the items together, check your list one more time to make sure you have everything. What I usually do is to pack everything, then unpack it and check it again against my packing list. 

If you are like me and love to pack a lot of clothes, then I would suggest an easy Ziplock bag method. It keeps all of your clothes from getting wet if something spills on your suit case and it makes extra room in your suitcase for clothes by compacting air. It also helps keep your clothes organized by packing similar items together.  You can find extra large Ziplock bags at any grocery store like Walmart, Fresh Market, or Smiths. 

Plastic Bag Use (Curtesy of Hire Order)

Instead of bringing cash, I recommend getting a Visa debit card with a limited amount of cash in the account.  This protects you from theft and is an easy way to track your spending while on your trip.

If you are looking into buying a new suitcase, I would recommend a deep, 4 wheeled suitcase. I recommend one with pockets in the front for extra storage space for chargers, papers, and liquids for removing at security.   I prefer a size that you can store in the overhead bins.  It is always nice to have the option of carrying your suitcase on the airplane.  This is extra important when you are late for your flight or have a short connection.
Suit Cases (Photo Curtesy of )

Remember to bring all of your chargers with you when you travel. The worst experience is picking up your camera to take the perfect photo and realizing it's dead.   You will always spend too much if you need to buy a charger while traveling.

You can never count on hotels to provide international adaptors so I recommend buying one before you leave your country of origin.  For example, European electrical outlets are different than those in the U.S.  If you are traveling inside your country, you don't need to worry about bringing an adaptor.

Finally, before you go, make sure you review the TSA guidelines for all commercial airlines. Make sure you are not packing any of the items listed below or you will find yourself spending too much time with the TSA.
 The do nots on a plane (Photo Curtesy of )

I hope these tips will help you in your future travels. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a safe flight!

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