
Friday, September 4, 2015

Please Stay Seated and Enjoy my Blog!

Welcome to Teen Travel Tips.   Here I will be talking about the perfect places for any adventurer to travel! Want to keep in touch with my blog?  On the right side of this page, there is a button called "Follow my blog by Email".  Type in your email and press submit.  It's easy!
My Mom and I on the London Eye Ferris Wheel
Starbucks Cups From Around the World

A little Bit about Me:
My name is Whitney and traveling is my hobby.  I attend Treasure Mountain Junior High and love photography. I am also in marching band! I marched in lots of parades this past summer. Some of my favorite elective classes are percussion, Spanish, and FAN (Food and Nutrition).  I have been to 20 states and 16 countries, so I know a thing or two about traveling.  I've traveled first class with my family and I've had to rough it, too.

Recent Travels
Last year, I was selected to go on an ambassador trip to Australia. On that 3-week trip, I learned a lot about Australian culture and what it is like to live in Australia.  In that same month I went to Alaska with my family.  Last summer, my family went on a cruise to Northern Europe and I visited Costa Rica on a student exchange program.   Basically, I traveled a lot last summer.

Future Travel Plans
For the 4-day weekend this October, my mom and I are going to Red Mountain Spa in St. George, Utah.  My Mom and I have another girl's trip planned for Winter Break, 2016.  We are going to the Florida Keys.  This spring, my family and I are going on a Disney Cruise to the Caribbean. My year is pretty packed and I promise I will blog where I go!
What I will talk about:
On this site, I will talk about anything related to travel. My experiences, wonders of the world, tips on packing and clothing, and more! If you are going anywhere soon I have got you covered. Stay in touch with my blog to find out how to be an expert traveler!
Who I specialize in:
I specialize in Teens mostly, but these tips can be used for anyone! I can go from 8-108.

My Family:
My family and I are pretty close. We live a pretty normal life. My brother, who is one year older than me, and I go to school.  My parents work long hours to pay for my travel.  My Dad works in sales and my Mom is a Real Estate Agent in Park City. Here's her blog. My Dad travels to Los Angeles for work every week.

My plan is to post once a week about a different destination or travel strategy.  Comment below if you have suggestions for future blogs. I will get back to you as soon as possible.  I hope you enjoyed this post and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you.
                        - Whitney

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