
Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Final Post!

This is my final post on my blog and I am honestly a little sad. I have had a lot of fun writing my blogs and sharing my adventures with you all. Today I am going to be talking about where I have gone since I started my journey, how I have grown, and where I am today. 

Where I started:
I started this blog not knowing where it would be now and how much I have come to enjoy this experience. When I started, I was doing it for an English project, and now I am doing for fun. When I started, I used more of other people's photos then my own even though I was sharing MY travel opinions. My grammar was pretty bad most of the time and I didn't put as much effort as I do now into my posts. My photo quality was also pretty bad considering I used Iphone photos for my first few posts.
See you guys real soon! (Photo by Howtogeek)

How I have grown:
 My grammar has really improved since my first blog and I actually found out that I really enjoy blogging! I have learned to use my own high quality photos and state my opinions.. I have also made my blogs a little longer over time and talked more about my personal experience instead of just descriptions of what my family did. Over time I have also grown up a little more.  

Where I am today:

Today, I am a more well traveled person then I was in September, 2015. I have been to 4 additional places in the last nine months and they have been really fun. The school year is coming to an end and I can honestly say that this blog has helped me a lot grammatically, physically, and mentally. Today, I have learned how to post online freely and I have learned how fun it could be to post about my travel journeys online. Nine monthes ago, I was just a confused honors English student trying to figure out how to blog. Now, I am an Honors English student who knows how to blog and has grown up.

Thank you all for reading my blogs. I have had an amazing journey sharing my posts with you and learning how to write my own blog. If you want to still hear a little about my life you can check out my mom's blog and stay in touch. This has been an amazing journey for me and I can not wait to see what will happen in the future for me. Once again, thank you all for reading my blog and I look forward to seeing you all soon! Have safe travels where ever you go.
- Whitney

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