
Monday, March 21, 2016

The Key Lime Pie Challenge

On the second day we were in The Florida Keys I decided to do the key lime pie challenge. This is a challenge I made up where you have to try a key lime pie in a different way at every restaurant we go to. This was really fun and I got to try so many different key lime pies like, key lime pie to go, key lime pie on a stick, and even fried key lime pie! I hope you enjoy this blog and I hope this sparks an intrest for you to try something new!

The first key lime pie we had on the first day was in Islamorada Key at a restaurant called, Islamorada Fish Company. We had a literal key lime pie which was so good. It was freshly made and right out of the oven. The pie also had whipped cream on the top of it and a fresh key lime. It had to be one of my favorites that we had while in the keys.

The second pie we had was in Marathon Key at Burdines Waterfront. This pie was a fried key lime pie. Someone at the restaurant actually told us that they herd someone drove 60 miles to eat the fried key lime pie. It was a cinnamon tortilla wrapped around a key lime pie and fried. They drizzled some sort of sauce over it as well. The end result was really good. Although I do not like cinnamon and didn't get to try the crust, my mom said it was amazing.
Fried Key Lime Pie at Burdines!

In Key West we got to try key lime pie to go. They sold it at an ice cream parlor right next to our hotel. It was actually really good. The pie looked like a freshly made key lime pie, but from a ice cream parlor.

The last key lime pie we had was a key lime pie on a stick. It was a really cool experience to try. The key lime pie on a stick felt like a popsicle. I sort of just liked it until the chocolate melted and I got to the acual pie part. This was a really good key lime pie. It was so good and there was actually crust on it.
Key lime pie on a stick! (Photo Courtesy of dipped in chocolate)

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you do a challenge like this one in the future or even the same one.  Comment below if you want to or have tried a pie similar to one that I have tried! Have a safe flight where ever you go and try something new!

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