
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Key West, A City on an Island

Key West is such an amazing place, it is a city on an island. Today I am going to be talking about Key West, Florida. Key West is an amazing place. It has all of the things a giant city has to offer like, car dealer ships, shopping streets, fancy restaurants, and many homes. I went there for three nights and two days. My mom and I had a lot of fun at Key West. Now, let me tell you what we did there.

On the first day our hotel provided us with this amazing bafee of different breakfast foods. They basically had everything you could imagine. The food was so delicious and I basically had the same thing every night, a egg, cranberry juice, and a muffin.

Our Hotel Bafee!

The first thing we did when we got to Key West was go on a kayak tour. Our guides name was Tortuga Jack and he has lived there for 20 years. We kayaked into these mangrove tunnels and saw so many star fish in them. We also saw so many types of sponges and jelly fish. It was truly a great experience.

On the same day we went to The Southern Most Beach Cafe. It was very crowded and had a little bit of a wait. The restaurant is right on the beach with indoor outdoor seating. The food was really good though. I ordered a barbecue burger and my mom ordered a wrap.  We also ordered piƱa coladas which were fabulous.

Next, we went to the number one most recommended place to go, The Butterfly Emporium. Once we got inside there were actually birds, butterflies, and even a turtle. One of the coolest things there were actually the flamingos. They were named after characters from Gone With the Wind.  There were so many different types of butterflies there and it was so cool to see them flying around. One even landed on my mom's head.

To end day one we went to the most amazing lobster house. We made a reservation and when we got there the waitress said that all of the outdoor seats were reserved which was a bummer. I ordered a lobster tail with garlic mashed potatos and asparagus and my mom also had a lobster tail with asparagus and a baked potato.

A and B lobster house!
On the second day we went jet skiing. This was one of the scariest things that we did on our vacation because my mom had never driven a jet ski at 35+ miles per hour. At first we wanted to bail but we got used to the tossing and turning and in the end, we were glad we did it. Our tour guides stuck with us the whole time. The only complaint about  it was that it was supposed to be informational and we didn't really learn anything along the way.

Thank you so much for reading my blog on Key West. If you havent already you should look at my last blog on Key Largo. See you in the next bloag and have a safe flight!

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